Item 3. General Debate (Cont.) Iran. I wish to congratulate you for your election. I wish to thank the executive director for organizing this. The global issue of narcotic drugs is undergoing big issues. We are witnessing the emergence of NPS that have challenged monitoring and controlling systems. In order to have a more effective …
CND Intersessional – Session 3 – Challenges in Illicit Cultivation and Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

2024 Thematic Discussions on the Implementation of All International Drug Policy Commitments, Following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration Chair: (Welcome) Secretariat: (organizational matters) Moderator/ intro, Ms. Anja Korenblik, Chief, Geospatial Analysis and Programme Delivery Section, RAB, UNODC: Good morning, everyone. We’ll begin this session on the challenges in the cultivation and production of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances …
CND 65th Reconvened Session – 8th December 2022
Reconvened Sixty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Vienna, Austria, 8-9 December 2022 CCPCJ Chair: Good Morning. (Opening Statement) >>> CND dates 2023 March 13 – 17 CND Chair: Opening Statement (Agenda adopted) Agenda Item 4. Strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions, including the following sub-items: (a) Work of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued) – Night session
Chile: We need to write a concrete response that includes evidence-based programs. Afghanistan: We would like to stress the importance of women and girls in these considerations. Georgia: We support Ukraine and condemn Russia. We acknowledge importance of international cooperation to protect human rights. Greece: We align with statement from the EU. We stands in solidarity with …
CND 64th Reconvened Session – 9th December 2021 (joint meeting with CCPCJ)
Chair CCPCJ: Good snowy morning and welcome back. Following the CCPCJ thematic discussions yesterday, our meeting today will be held jointly with the CND. The chairs of the two commissions will share the chairing duties today. Our agenda has been adopted already. We are using a virtual format, limited to 2 hours. Secretariat: (Safety measures …
Side Event: Emergence of methamphetamine production in South-West Asia
Organized by the UNODC Country Office Afghanistan Focus of the side event is to look at production of methamphetamine in Afghanistan. Moderator: Anubha Sood Afghanistan, Ambassador Manizha Bakhtari I will provide an overview of the current drug situation in Afghanistan and synthetic market in Afghanistan and the region. There are positive results of seizures and …