Afghanistan no precursor chemicals made in Afghanistan. Farmers only get 3% of this income. Arrests foccussed on low level people. Thanking the international community in the construction of Afghanistan.
CND Day 1 – Plenary statement of Deputy Interior Minister for Countering Narcotics in Afghanistan:
Opium cultivation has decreased by 26%. There is a need to consolidate poppy free communities. Alternative livelihood programmes have also made some difference. Casualties have been afflicted during drug controlling activities. Afghan courts convicted 427 people from drug trafficking, and acquitted 59, and over 5,500 people were treated in drug treatment centres, but more remains …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution on Strengthening the Law Enforcement Capacity of the Main Transit States Neighbouring Afghanistan
The Second Resolution considered by the Committee of the Whole at CND this morning was the draft resolution submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran on ‘strengthening the law enforcement capacity of the main transit states neighbouring Afghanistan, based on the principle of shared responsibility’. The resolution was a triangular initiative of the Islamic Republic …
Afghanistan’s response to INCB statement
Afghanistan thanked the INCB for its report, and expressed its desire to share achievements made in the fight against drugs. There are now 18 ‘poppy free provinces’ in Afghanistan, an increase from 13 in 2007. Seizures are up from last year. High level of poppy cultivation still exists in the south, due to the difficulty …