RESOLUTION L3 CHAIR: Let’s move to L3 presented by Russia. I will ask them to introduce the advances that they have made during the consultations. Russia has the floor RUSSIA: Had quite good progress during our informal consultations on L3 draft resolution. We have managed to agree on almost the entire text of the draft …
Committee of the Whole L.4. Strengthening international cooperation to comprehensively address the links between illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms trafficking
Mexico: Last Monday, I mentioned we had advanced a lot in the understandings. Thanks to the contributions and engagement of delegations, we made good substantive progress over the last two days. There are a number of paragraphs which have already been agreed in informals. Should proceed with those paragraphs then will have time to move …
Side Event: The Early Warning Subsystem of the Brazilian National System of Public Drug Policy – an innovation of a federative country
Organized by Brazil Gustavo Camilo Baptista, National Secretariat of Drugs Policies and Assets Management, Ministry of Justice and Public Safety EWS are institutional mechanisms created by national governments to deal specifically with problems arising from the expansion and complexity of the drug market, especially created to deal with the development of chemicals involve in drug …
Item 4. Strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions
(a) Work of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime CND Chair: Let me remember that at the Reconvened CND64 we all agreed to extend the mandate of FINGOV and to ammed its working methods. This makes for a new …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued) – Night session
Chile: We need to write a concrete response that includes evidence-based programs. Afghanistan: We would like to stress the importance of women and girls in these considerations. Georgia: We support Ukraine and condemn Russia. We acknowledge importance of international cooperation to protect human rights. Greece: We align with statement from the EU. We stands in solidarity with …
CND 64th Reconvened Session – 10th December 2021
<Technical issues> Mexico: (…) in recent days, we have seen how a number of delegations have sought to influence the Secretariat and to censor documentation, frankly, violating article 100 of the UN charter. Which should we fail to recall is not only an international treaty, but rather it is ´the´ international treaty that depends on …