The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. Mogens Lykketoft: Ladies and gentlemen, I think for the election as President of this special session. Let me express my condolences to the delegations of Ecuador and Japan whose countries have been hit by deadly earthquakes. It is an honour …
Resolution L13. Promotion of measures, including voluntary cooperation and timely and effective legislative, regulatory, and administrative responses to target new psychoactive substances, amphetamine-type stimulants and precursors
Australia: We have worked in informals and found compromise on some of the paragraphs. These include preambular paragraphs that acknowledge that ketamine is a WHO essential medicine, and recalls resolution 57/10 on ketamine trafficking. So open the floor for comments on these. China: Add “trafficking” and “assess the extent of this problem at the national, …
Agenda Item 7: World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission
Chair: The 10th meeting is now open. Consideration of Item of 7 – Drug Trafficking. Documents to be considered: E/CN.7/2016/5 E/CN.7/2016/10 The UNODC will now present a report on global illicit drug prevalence You can read the report here. UNODC: My introduction adds to the report shared with you by the chair, with some additions. …
Resolution L2. Application of the principle of proportionality in implementing drug control policies (continued)
EU. We have had 4 informals this morning, we went through most PPs and OPs, but there is no agreement on 3 PPs and 2 OPs, although maybe OP4 in its alternative form was almost agreed. So we thought it would be good to have the CoW look at it as there were only a few …
Resolution L13. Promotion of measures, including voluntary cooperation and timely and effective legislative, regulatory, administrative, and operational responses to target new psychoactive substances, amphetamine-type stimulants, including methamphetamine, and diversion of their precursors
Chair (Norway): Plan is to close L13 on new psychoactive substances, it is a long resolution (a merger of three previous drafts – L6, L7 and L9). We will see the text now after several informals, it is being copied and circulated. Now sponsored by Australia, Belarus, Japan, Tajikistan and USA Operative Paragraphs 1, 2 …
Agenda Item 6: Implementation of the international drug control treaties
a) Challenges and future work of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the World Health Organization in the review of substances for possible scheduling recommendations WHO: Who is responsible for evaluating substances and whether they should be scheduled. They also decided which convention they are scheduled. Evidence is essential to our role. The adverse affects of the …