Item 8. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem Chair: Recalls documentation for the item. CND Secretariat: The meetings of the 5 subsidiary bodies were held last year in person and provided a great opportunity to meet and discuss good practices and areas of common concern. Following review …
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Plenary Item 9. Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council
9: Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolutions 75/290 A and 75/290 B, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ECOSOC: An update on the contributions made by ECOSOC: during our coordination segment on Jan 31/Feb …
Opening of the 65th Session of the CND – Plenary Items 1, 2 & 3
Item 1. Election of officers Chair: Welcome. First. Introductory video. CND Secretariat: Welcome. Reminds attendees of the guidelines related to COVID-19. Chair: Wishes good health to people suffering with COVID-19. Before the formal opening, some procedural and organisational matters. Five meetings of the Extended Bureau. Thanks the Ambassador of Poland for her role in conducting the 64th …
CND 59th Session Reconvened – Friday 2nd December
Session started with administrative issues and the adoption of the budget resolution – amended from Monday after FINGOV meeting (E/CN.7/2016/L.16 – Implementation of the budget 2016/2017 for the UN drug control programme). Agenda item 6. Implementation of the international drug control treaties. Chair: Under this item we have invited the WHO to present to present …
Side Event – Jointly Supporting Gender Mainstreaming in the Implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
On December 2nd, the CND together with the Commission on the Status of Women organised a side event to the 59th Reconvened Session of the CND. The event was chair by Mexican Ambassador Alicia Buenrostro (in the absence of Norwegian Ambassador Bente Angell-Hansen), who opened the event with a complete summary of the overlaps of …
CND Intersessional – 29 January 2015 (Morning session)
The agenda for today has three items: 1) CND contributions to the work of ECOSOC, 2) preparations for the ‘regular segment’ of CND next March (including the proposals to schedule 13 new substances), and 3) preparations for the special segment on the UNGASS next March. The new Thai Chair, Ambassador Srisamoot, presided over the discussions. …