Chile – Combating money Laundering 2003 Money Laundering System whi, improvements in drafting of criminal offences. Intensive support for investigation, taken the choice to prosecute small scale criminal units removed 6.5 million $ through forfeiture. Convicted the first lawyer 2009 conviction on human trafficking 2. asset investigation. Possibility of online investigation. 2010 special police ATF …
CND day 4 – Plenary: Series of statements by member states
HEAD OF EU EU Stepping up fight against crime along cocaine and heroin routes. New strategy high degree of security and public health. Cultivation of cannabis in Europe increasing Production of opium dominated by Afghanistan 3rd year in a row cultivation is decreasing although increasing in 3 other areas. Sustained development programmes needed. EU express …
CND day 3 – Plenary, demand reduction and related measures: Ecuador
The need to bring about new laws comes from the failure of our previous laws. Criminalisation of drug users has failed and have led to us to form new measures of intervention. We have instigated a new plan based on health, human right and social and economic development. This plan complies with all international treaties …
CND day 4 – Plenary statement of Ecuador on drug demand reduction
We are aware of our own realities and the multi-dimensional nature of the problem, and our priority will always been the focus on the human being. Addiction is a public health problem, and human rights are of the utmost importance instead of decriminalisation. This balanced approach has been supported by many within the international community. …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution on International Cooperation to Address the Role of Women and Girls as Drug Couriers
The morning session of the Committee of the Whole of the CND which is the forum for negotiating the text and adoption of state sponsored resolutions began today by continuing the debate on the resolution of Namibia and the African Group on the use of women and girls as couriers – E/CN.7/2009/L.7 Ecuador introduced a …
Statement of Ecuador at HLM
Ecuador ‘Promotes and guarantees the full respect for human rights within its territory’. It noted that national policy includes rehabilitation of drug addicts. The statement described its approach as a ‘De-securitisation of drug policy which allows us to address the problem from the perspective and health and human rights’. The country about to pass new …