MORNING SESSION Chair (Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Egypt) : He welcomes to the 6th Inter-Sessional meeting of the CND during its 57th session. As part of his role as Chair of the CND, he reported to the Third Committee of the General Assembly on the agenda item in international drug control, in particular on the work of the …
El Salvador
CND Inter-Sessional Session to discuss preparations for the UNGASS 2016 – 4 September 2014

MORNING SESSION Click here to view the presentations on UNGASS 2016. Chair (Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Egypt): Began by introducing various procedural matters, and the agenda for the day was adopted. It is expected that UN General Assembly will adopt the UNGASS preparations resolution at their 69th Session. The Chair also encouraged Member States to invite civil society organisations …
Committee of the Whole – Resolutions discussed on Monday afternoon
Two resolutions (L2 and L3) were considered. Final language agreed for only some paragraphs. Others bracketed and the Chair directed Member states to go to informals to finalize. What follows is a transcript of the debate between member states. Final language will be posted as soon as it is available. Committee of the Whole Dronabinol …
High Level Segments- El Salvador Statement
In 2009, international community adopted PD and POA on WDP. Five years later we are here to review based on principle of joint and shared responsibility. WDP in different manifestations means serious threats to our states: democratic stability, rule of law, etc. Detrimintal to health and public safety. Budget issue. Govt. of El salvador approved …
Adoption of final report of CND
Chair of the CoW We had before us 16 draft proposals which have been approved by the Committee of the Whole. A full list of the resolutions is available at: There has been a request to consider the draft resolution on Afghanistan first. Resolution E/CN7/2013/L10/REF1 – Strengthening international cooperation in combating illicit opiates originating …
Plenary Day 4. Supply Reduction
Thailand The Thai delegation state that unsustainable alternative development can serve as a way to combat the cultivation of illicit crops and that law enforcement alone cannot solve the problem. To achieve long-term success they state it is important to create infrastructure. Venezuela The Venezuelan delegation is of the view that despite the stepped up …