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El Salvador

Side Event: Accelerating support for increasing access to controlled medicines while preventing diversion and non-medical use

Organized by Australia, Belgium, Canada, El Salvador and the Russian Federation, and European Union, UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, Union for International Cancer Control, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and World Health Organization Miwa Kato, UNODC 80% of world defines opioid crises as not having access to opioids. How do we work this out …

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Committee of the Whole (Thursday morning) L4. Promoting awareness-raising, education and training as part of a comprehensive approach to ensuring access to and the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes and improving their rational use

EC77/2020/L4   Belgium:There are some paras where the wording is ‘non-stigma’. A couple of paras have been agreed in informals pending on the solution of non-stigmatisation. Chair: Canada was the state proposing language on stigma Canada: If we are going to focus on PPs first we did have discussions during informals. Linking PP that references stigma …

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