Thematic session 3: The criminal misuse of information and communications technologies for illicit drug-related activities is increasing; (21 October 2021) Chair: Welcome back.I now would turn to the participants of our today’s discussion, and I welcome warmly all those who join us today Chloe Carpenter, UNODC Research Section: Good Morning. I’ve been asked to introduce these …
CND thematic sessions on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration – 20 October 2021
Thematic session 2: The value of confiscated proceeds of crime related to money-laundering arising from drug trafficking at the global level remains low Angela Me, UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch: (…) This area requires sophisticated data collection and analysis. I have been working in the UN in my career with all kinds of data and …
Plenary – Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem
Chair. ‘As you know, before the 2019 CND we held a Ministerial Segment to take stock of the progress made on the implementation of the 2009 Political Declaration. At the opening of the Segment Ministers adopted by consensus the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. While acknwledging that tangible progress had been achieved, noted with concern the challenges posed …
Plenary – Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (continued)
Chair: Good afternoon. We have suspended Item 5 after (a) and (b). keep suspension. We will start considering agenda item 6. Before that, pleasure to give floor to Youth Forum Delegates Youth Delegates: We call to implement evidence-based substance prevention especially for children and youth that include safe spaces and continued support. Prevention startegies should …
Plenary – Item 3. General debate
Costa Rica on behalf of the group of the 77 and China: We appreciate the preparatory work going into this event and maneuvering the pandemic. Common and shared responsibility that should be taken under in international cooperation based on scientific evidence to safeguard all humanity. Multilateralism and effective collaboration is essential, just as international law. …