Organized by the Governments of Estonia and Finland, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Laboratory and Scientific Section. Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, UNODC: Frontline officers are often exposed to potent substances, such as fentanyl. Important to protect them. H.E. Toomas Kukk, Permanent Mission of Estonia, Vienna: …
Committee of the Whole – Monday afternoon (L5 – Enhancing forensic detection capability for synthetic drugs through increasing international collaboration)
Australia: Our resolution seeks to look at capability-building in the area of supply-reduction, particularly forensics. Primarily on health and safety, community protection and disposal. Hence references to information sharing. We have had good engagement in two informal sessions (Wednesday morning, and earlier today). Some text included now. All but two occasions agreed. Chair: Let’s consider the …
Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment (cont…)
Chair: Good morning, we’ll now resume the session. We have many on the list. Secretary: We have nearly 70 speakers left that have asked for the floor. We will do our very best – but we’ll have to have another evening session tonight to accommodate. We’d like to appeal to the speakers – some of …
L5 Committee of the Whole (Wednesday) – Resolution L.5
Chair: I have been advised that L.5 is close to consensus and would like this to be placed before the committee. We can then revert to L.10. Finland: We have been approached by Iran, and the delegation advised that they are ready to accept this resolution. Chair: The committee is now in a position to …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday Afternoon) L5. Laboratory support for the implementation of the scheduling decisions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Continued from the morning)
Secretariat: There are informals on L10 going on now. Chair: Let us pick up where we left off with L5 Finland: We have done the separate informal consultations, but we have not reached a conclusion. We are grateful for Singapore who are willing to agree on OP3 and the agreed language in 58/9. …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday morning): L5. Laboratory support for the implementation of the scheduling decisions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Chair: I propose we move to L5. Finland to take the floor. Let us start on the title. Any comments? Can we move to the preambular paragraphs? Finland: I would like to point out we held informal meetings on this resolution with 15 countries. There are only a few amendments within the text and they …