Thematic session 1: Drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased; and the rate of transmission of HIV, the hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne diseases associated with drug use, including injecting drug use in some countries, remains high; Chair (Standing in) Agenda …
Harm Reduction International (HRI)
Side event: The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Implementing Fair Trial Safeguards
Organized by the Governments of Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Mexico, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, the European Union, Harm Reduction International, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Zaved Mahmood – Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Under International Law, the use of the death penalty for drug …
Side Event: Health Responses to the Opioid Poisoning Crisis: On-the-Ground Experiences and International Implications

Organized by Canada, and Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation and International Drug Policy Consortium Fatal drug-related overdose is a pressing health crisis in North America. Highly potent synthetic opioids, including fentanyl and analogues, are increasingly present in the unregulated opioid …
Side Event: Humanizing controlled medicines
Organized by the Center of Studies for Law, Justice and Society, the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, Harm Reduction International, and Universidad de la Sabana y Observatorio Colombiano de Cuidados Paliativos Isabel Perreira (International Drug Policy Consortium): Our law in Colombia includes all services, however there is unmanaged pain for many populations which …
Item 11. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session (Afternoon session)
Indonesia: Nearly 3 years have passed since UNGASS – we have been committed to advancing promotion of human rights. In addressing the drug problems whilst protecting human rights the government has provided funding for therapy programmes for drug users and special needs populations such as women and children. It is important that human rights are …
Special Event Blog: Leaving No-One Behind: People at the centre of a harm reduction, human rights and public health approach to drug use
Organised by the Governments of the Netherlands and Norway, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Development Programme, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, the International Drug Policy Consortium, AFEW International, Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People who Use Drugs, Open Society Foundation, Aidsfonds, and Frontline AIDS. HE Marco Hennis, …