Malaysia: The number of drug users continues to rise and uses measures to protect its people. Malaysia stands firm against the legalisation of drugs. Our policy policy both incorporates demand and supply reduction. We are taking the necessary steps to reduce drug addiction as well as prevention and treatment. We take measures against all trafficking …
UNGASS: Thirtieth special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (6th plenary meeting)
General debate [item 7] (continued) The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. Nepal – Established national coordination committee for drug abuse control with separate district level committees in the country. Doing our best to address drug problems. Look to international community for enhanced cooperation, including in coordination with …
Special segment, fourth meeting
Hungary: Pleasure to represent the UNGASS board. In line with past directives, we will now give the floor to the youth forum, to inform the plenary about their work. Youth Forum: Thanks for the opportunity. The main goal is to achieve a better tomorrow for the world’s youth. We would like to share our experiences. …
Special Event, 26th June – Launch of World Drug Report 2015 in New York
The launch of the World Drug Report was also held in New York on June 26. Simone Monasabien, Director of UNODC’s New York Office, moderated, opened with introductory remarks focusing on Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson’s commitment to the drugs issue and his comments that we must take the opportunity of UNGASS to “consolidate our …
Plenary Day 1: Statement from Honduras
Our situation is dynamic. Transnational crime is changing fast and replacing traditional forms of crime. It is causing violence and destabilizes society. It is therefore important to seek to reduce demand and supply, and to tackle associated crimes such as through anti-money laundering measures is particularly important. Honduras is taking steps to improve legal and …