There has been a steady increase among various population segments in Indonesia. To cope with this problem in the area of drug demand reduction, Indonesia focuses on comprehensive and integrated strategies. At the national level, prevention as a first strategy should be conducted with wide partnerships. Dissemination of information on drug abusing risks should be …
CND Day 3- Indonesia on an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem
Indonesia commends the work on the INCB as the guardian of the three international drug conventions. The 2009 report was a balanced evaluation on the challenges, including the abuse and diversion of illlict substances like ketamine. Indonesia endorsed the recommendation to reinforce national monitoring mechanisms. While it is important to reinforce control of precursors, the …
CND Day 2 – Plenary statement by Indonesia on the effectiveness of drug prevention interventions
Indonesia has given a special focus on high risk groups, including women and children. Prevention programmes are currently school based, work based, community based, media oriented and religious based. Information on the dangers of abusing drugs has also been diffused through the internet. Some big events have been organised as well throughout the country. Example: …
Committee of the Whole – afternoon session
The first resolution debated today was entitled ‘Promoting community-based drug use prevention‘, co-sponsored by the US, Mexico, Indonesia, Colombia and Israel. The resolution provoked no debate, and was approved with minor wording amendments. The Russian delegation objected to the term ‘evidence-based’ in the draft, and instead wanted the term ‘reliable’ used. The US agreed to …
Indonesia statement on demand reduction
There are 3 million drug users in Indonesia. 47% are ‘addicts’. 15% injecting drug users and 85% non-injecting drug users. Cannabis most widely used illicit drug (70% of illicit use). There are concerns at increase of ATS use, and ATS now a bigger concern than opiates. Heroin use is stabilising and to a certain extent …
Indonesia Addresses the Demand Reduction Round Table
‘It is a great pleasure for me to be here to share the experiences of my country. There are three components that i would like to share. First, on demand reduction. Indonesia has a holistic, sustainable approach as continuum of care, aimed at promoting the health and well being of individuals and families and reducing …