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Item 7. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem

Chair: In the political declaration and plan of action of 2009 member states encouraged int agencies, UNODC, WHO UNDP UNAIDs & INCB to engage in dialogue in order to strengthen interagency coordination for a more effective response… Members states reaffirmed the principle rule of the commission as the policy making body of the Un as …

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Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem (cont.)

Chair: Welcome back to the discussion of Item Number 6. I will begin by giving the floor to Uganda. Uganda: Chair, allow me to congratulate you as Chair and commend the member states to their important work. Uganda affirms that the fight against the World Drug Problem is the shared responsibility of all UN member states. …

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Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Monday afternoon)

(c) International Narcotics Control Board Colombia: (TBA) Pakistan:  Pakistan acknowledges and appreciates the effective role and efforts of the INCB in the collection of data, in-depth analysis, and compilation of the comprehensive report. We believe that the INCB report for 2023 will provide assistance to member states in aligning their national priorities and responses to …

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Round Table 2 – The Way Forward: The Road to 2029

Germany/Chair: Hello, welcome to our discussion regarding the way forward in advancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments in light of the 2029 finally view of certain 2019 Ministerial Declaration in accordance with CND Resolution 66 Adopted by the Commission last March, this roundtable will consist of panel interventions followed by an interactive …

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