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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.11: Promoting scientific evidence-based community, family and school programmes and strategies for the purpose of preventing drug use among children and adolescents

https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/V17/009/01/PDF/V1700901.pdf?OpenElement Belarus: We had two rounds of consultations and have now covered entire text and have reached agreement. Chair: I’d like us to look at title. I don’t see any comments so title is approved. No comments on PP.1. No comments on PP.3 starting with ‘Stressing the importance’. No comments on PP.4. No comments on PP.5 …

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CND Plenary: Item 5 Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem (Wednesday)

Youth Forum – Students from Montenegro & Qatar: Students from over 30 countries have come together to express concerns over drug issues, and to try to propose a way forward in what seems like a an impossible goal. Collective ideas from fresh eyes can bring progress. A broad approach is the best way to deal …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.3: Improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: recommendations of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

E/CN.7/2017/L.3 Improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: recommendations of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Chair: Can Spain explain the scope of the resolution? Spain: We came together to discuss …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.2: Strengthening international cooperation to assist the most affected transit States, especially developing countries, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility

E/CN.7/2017/L.2 Strengthening international cooperation to assist the most affected transit States, especially developing countries, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility Pakistan: This is about enhancing cooperations and building capacity in states that need it most especially transit states. Chair: We will go through paragraph by paragraph. Can we approve the title? India: We …

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CND Intersessional Meeting – 27 October 2016: Strengthening international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility

Post-UNGASS facilitator: We will now start discussion chapter 6, on common and shared responsibility. There are several panellists from UNODC, it makes perfect sense to have the different regional sections from UNODC present all one after the other, and then member states and then NGOS. Yuri Fedotov, executive director of UNODC: very happy to be back at the …

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Side event: A call for leadership: HIV, human rights and harm reduction

Organised by Germany, Harm Reduction International, UNAIDS, UNODC, WHO, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Open Society Foundations, IDPC, the International AIDS Society and AIDS Fonds Maria Phelan, HRI. We all know now that harm reduction works, but significant barriers remain today. We have a powerful panel today to explore the political positions on harm reduction and how …

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