Canada: it’s not the first time I’ve seen this text. We’ve done a thorough analysis and we think this is worthy of showing the COW? ‘Alt PP13bis Acknowledging that removing stigmatising attitudes includes long term comprehensive multidisciplinary and balanced efforts by member states, in full conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Universal …
New Zealand
Committee of the Whole (Thursday Afternoon) – Resolution L11. Removing stigma as a barrier to the availability and delivery of health, case and social services for people who use drugs
L11 Chair: We may not move in chronological order. I want to mention I intend to continue our session in the evening because we have very little time left. I invite us to focus on L11. China: Regarding the night session we have some concerns because we have many experts who wish to speak in …
Committee of the Whole (Thursday – Morning) – Resolution L.7 – Promoting measures to prevent transmission of HI and other blood-borne diseases associated with the use of drugs from mothers to babies during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding
Chair: L7 followed by L11 – L9, L4, L10, L6. Can we be conscious of the clock please and maintain spirit of flexibility. Norway: A brief presentation of this resolution. Without any intervention a large number of pregnant women will transfer the virus to their babies. Providing antiviral drugs has a dramatic reduction in transmission …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Tuesday 13th – Afternoon Session)
Malaysia: The number of drug users continues to rise and uses measures to protect its people. Malaysia stands firm against the legalisation of drugs. Our policy policy both incorporates demand and supply reduction. We are taking the necessary steps to reduce drug addiction as well as prevention and treatment. We take measures against all trafficking …
Side event: Health responses to New Psychoactive Substances
Organised by the Governments of the United Kingdom and New Zealand, and the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Section. Opening Remarks from HE Leigh Turner – UK Permanent Representative to the UN Vienna Thank you and welcome. There is growing evidence of the impact of these substances. The UK has been working with its partners to …
CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Monday, March 13, 2017 – Morning)
Item 2. Adoption of the agenda and other organisational matters Chair: I hereby declare the 60th Session of the CND open. Agenda item 8 will start with subitem B on Thursday morning. Propose that the CND adopt the agenda as it is written. I see no objections. It is so decided. Youth Initiative: Thank you …