Belgium: I suggest we start from PP9. Chair: Thank you, let’s turn to PP9. Do I have any comments on PP9? Chile: Thank you for the floor. For Chile, a suggestion, instead of ‘hindering’ we suggest the language of ‘limiting’ as hindering has negative context. Russian Federation: We could agree on the language from Chile. …
Item 3. High-level segment (Friday afternoon)
Bangladesh: H. E. Ambassador Johnson, Chair of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its 67th Session, H. E. Ghada Waly, Executive Director of the UNODC, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon. I begin by congratulating Ambassador Johnson and other members of the bureau and assure them of our full support. Mr. Chair, We …
Side event: The United Nations Joint Programme for Human Rights in the Philippines
Organized by the UNODC Philippines Country Office Lee Yarcia, Legal Expert, UNODC Philippines: Thank you all for joining us today. My name is Lee Yarcia and I’ll be your moderator. On October 7th 2020, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution No. 45/33, providing for technical cooperation and capacity building for the promotion and protection …
Plenary Items 1, 2, 3 – Opening of the 66th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
OPENING OF THE SIXTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS Secretary: [Organizational and administrative disclaimers for online participants] Chair: [Opening statement – no interpretation] Item 1. Chair: The extended bureau held three meetings this year to address organizational matters that were also discussed during the pre-consultation sessions. I thank all the participants. I also …
Special commemorative event at the occasion of the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and Launch of the 2022 World Drug Report
Chair: Welcome. Today, to promote participation, we are conducting this meeting in a hybrid format. I welcome all our panelists, youth ambassadors, and the 26 registered speakers. WDR is historically launched on World Drug Day which is a very important day for us all to advance SDGs and build back better. The theme this year …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued) – Afternoon sessions
Chair: Welcome back to our session. Namibia: Congratulate chair and elected members of the Bureau. Commend the UNODC secretariat. Namibia aligns herslef with Africa group and G77 statements. Many countries were impacted by the third wave of the COVID. It’s a relief that the omicron wave hasn’t been that deletarious. However, we were impacted by travel …