Secretariat: There will be an informal on L5 in a hybrid format on BR-A. L7 – Technical amendment. On OP12 & 13 – There is in square brackets ‘or trafficking’. There was an omission to delete this part. Just checking with the CoW. Ok, we can continue. United States: We engaged in consultations, not in …
Committee of the Whole (Afternoon session) Resolution L.5: Promoting quality, affordable, scientific evidence-based and comprehensive drug prevention and treatment services
Chair: We will continue considerations of L5. Colleague from Portugal, could you inform us of progress in informals? (…) I’m informed that Portugal is not with us at the moment. That is the problem of not being in the same room. Perhaps colleagues from Peru? Also not in the room. I have to make a …
Side Event: European Union Drugs Strategy 2021-2025
Organized by Portugal and the European Union with the support of Germany, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and EUROPOL The event starts with a video presentation of the new EU Drugs Strategy, which can be accessed on this link: The text to the new EU Drugs Strategy 2021-2025 can be …
Plenary – Item 3. General debate
Nigeria: Nigeria has continued to adopt drug control policies and strategies to respond to emerging and evolving realities policy that is anchored on the National Drug Control Master Plan [DCMP]. First introduced in 1999 then revised to 2021 – 2025. This is an integrated and balanced policy, which combines law enforcement, and the promotion of public …
CND 63rd Reconvened Session – Friday 4th December 2020
[…] Iran: The US itself is at the forefront of destabilizing the international community. We have seen that how they have destroyed the multilateralism; they have withdrawn from several multilateral initiatives, they have withdrawn from several international organizations. So again, this is all stripped back. So they all behind many, many destabilizing activities across the …
Plenary: Item 8. Recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission
Chair: I now invite secretariat from the governing body to make remarks. Secretariat: Work of subsidiary bodies undertaken in 2019. Was a year where we had all 5 meetings. The meeting in Lisbon in July was the first meeting ever that was at the opening and had both the Minister of Justice and Health. Both …