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Plenary – Item 3. General debate

Nigeria: Nigeria has continued to adopt drug control policies and strategies to respond to emerging and evolving realities policy that is anchored on the National Drug Control Master Plan [DCMP]. First introduced in 1999 then revised to 2021 – 2025. This is an integrated and balanced policy, which combines law enforcement, and the promotion of public …

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CND 63rd Reconvened Session – Friday 4th December 2020

[…] Iran: The US itself is at the forefront of destabilizing the international community. We have seen that how they have destroyed the multilateralism; they have withdrawn from several multilateral initiatives, they have withdrawn from several international organizations. So again, this is all stripped back. So they all behind many, many destabilizing activities across the …

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Committee of the Whole (Wednesday afternoon) L3- Promoting and improving the collection and analysis of reliable and comparable data to strengthen balanced, integrated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary and scientific evidence-based responses to the world drug problem

-L3- Chair: Some questions have been cleared through the informals. PP6bis Chair: Agreed in CoW PP10 Chair: Agreed in CoW PP12 Netherlands: Discussion on the UN system. MS had discussion on compromise you can see below. We can agree on it here. Chair: Invite comments. We have 3 different proposals. We can accept part of …

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Committee of the Whole (Tuesday afternoon ) L4. Promoting awareness-raising, education and training as part of a comprehensive approach to ensuring access to and the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes and improving their rational use

Chair: During this session we will proceed with L4, and L5 – I heard this is ready to be taken by the COW. We proceed with the draft resolution L4, tabled by Croatia and Australia – ‘promoting awareness-raising, education and training as part of a comprehensive approach to ensure access to the availability of internationally [US] …

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