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Plenary – Agenda item 10: Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 68/1, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Chair: Recall that at the 58th Session, we decided to include this standing item on the agenda focusing on contribution to the work of ECOSOC in line with GA resolution 68/1. In accordance, CND has been contributing as appropriate to Council’s work. In the UNGASS Outcome Document, member states welcomed SDGs and noted that efforts to achieve these …

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Plenary – Agenda Item 6: Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session (Thursday, March 16, 2017 – Afternoon)

Sudan: We align with G77 China and African group. Youth are the main group affected by drugs and we highly appreciate the recommendations of the UNGASS. While preventing diversion we have provided 10,000 prescription pads. We have also carried out training courses and workshops targeting health professionals for rehabilitation. Kenya: We reaffirm our commitment to …

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Special event: International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders – Each person counts, leaving no one behind

Organized by the Governments of Italy, Norway, Sweden and the United States, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, the World Health Organization and the Vienna and New York NGO Committees. Yury Fedotov, Executive Director, UNODC: Looking forward to dialogue around further guidelines for treatment. Pedro Luis Moitinho de Almeida, CND Facilitator for Post-UNGASS Matters, …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.12: Promoting measures to prevent HIV and other blood-borne infections among people who use drugs, and increasing financing for the global HIV/AIDS response and for drug use prevention and drug demand reduction efforts

Text of resolution as it was written before CND commenced. Norway: We have three reasons for this. A lot of good things have happened with HIV epidemic but it is not over. We need to work in prisons and with drug users. Finances for HIV have been produced. UNODC have a unique position with expertise on …

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