Israel. Swedish colleague led informals on Friday afternoon. Was going to be here. Not here yet. Title accepted. First two PPs. No comment. Next three PPs. None. Next three. None. Next two. None. Recognizing —none. Emphasizing, Acknowledging and Stressing — None. Russia. Has doubts about stigmatising. Nothing in their legislation. Wants to remove. Delete stigmatising …
Committee of the Whole – L13: Promoting international cooperation in responding to new psychoactive substances and amphetamine-type stimulants including methamphetamine
Australia – this builds on work already done on NPS. We want to offer a resolution to consolidate the work CND and member states have done on the issue. We have noticed increases in the frequency of NPS use. Other countries are experiencing similar issues. We promote international cooperation and information sharing, including on ATS. Discussions …
CND Day 1 – Agenda item 6(b): Change in the scope of control of substances
Commission will identify the notifications in the order they were received. Begin with mephedrone recommended by the UK. Then will look at ketamine recommended by China. Then will look at reocmmendations from the WHO including (a) AH-7921 should be placed in Schedule I of the 1961 Convention; (b) gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL), 1,4-butanediol, 25B-NBOMe (2C-B-NBOMe), 25C-NBOMe (2C-C-NBOMe) …
Committee of the Whole – Updates on resolutions L6, L8, L9, L10 and L13
L8. USA — Still in informals. Take up later. L.6 Italy. L.6. with interested delegations. Proposal would be to insert in the title and through text, in OPs not PPs a reference to “internationally or nationally controlled substances” Financial implications of L6. Op. 7 — extra budg resources 181K USD one expert group meeting for …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 3 – Interactive discussion on cross-cutting issues: drugs and human rights, youth, women, children and communities
UNODC. Introductory statement. Agenda item 4c relates to the health and human rights, focusing on the need of women, children and youth, who are affected in many ways by drugs and their consequences. UNODC has drawn several conclusions: drug use disorders and their health complications such as HIV, HCV and overdoses are public health issues …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 2 – Interactive discussions on demand reduction
Chair. This will include health, HIV, access to essential medicines. The format will include introductory remarks from the chair, as well as 7 minutes presentations from each panellist. Mr. Gilberto Gerra, UNODC. Introductory statement. First question to launch the debate – is it really accepted that young people, people affected by drug use disorder, people …