Chair: First and foremost, I would like to welcome you to the first intersessional meeting of a CND during this ssession. To start, I want to ensure that we’re aligned on the significant matters we’ve encountered, particularly regarding the outcome document. First of all though, the floor is the Secretariat’s. Secretariat: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Good …
CND Thematic Discussions // Session 3 – Increasing links between drug trafficking, corruption & other forms of organized crime
Chair: Excellencies, distinguished experts, esteemed colleagues, and delegates, Welcome to the third thematic meeting of the CND. Today, we will be addressing all 11 challenges identified in the 2019 ministerial declaration. Yesterday, we heard from our UNODC colleagues and had many interventions from the floor on the expanding and diversifying range of drug use and …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued)
United Republic of Tanzania: Thank you Madam Chair for giving my delegation the floor. At the outset, allow me to extend my delegation’s warm congratulation to you and other members of the Bureau. Upon your election on this 66th session, I wish to commend the executive secretary of UNODC and the staff for organising this …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued) – Night session
Chile: We need to write a concrete response that includes evidence-based programs. Afghanistan: We would like to stress the importance of women and girls in these considerations. Georgia: We support Ukraine and condemn Russia. We acknowledge importance of international cooperation to protect human rights. Greece: We align with statement from the EU. We stands in solidarity with …
Plenary – Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (continued)
Chair: Good Morning Delegates. We will resume on item 5 (a) Secretariat: documents have been prepared under 5(a).. available now on commission’s website Chair: Proceed to WHO scheduling recommendations on substances under 1961 and 1971 Convention communicated after 63rd meeting of Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. We will now vote on isotonitazene to add to schedule I …
Plenary – Agenda item 3: General Debate (continued)
Chair: Because of technical difficulties, we will not start with the Global Fund, so we will start with speakers left from yesterday. Please, limit your statements to 3 minutes. Kazakhstan: CND offers a unique platform to share information and strengthen cooperation. Weve all seen negative trends. This requires continued improvement and focused efforts. Important to …