Organized by the International Network of People who Use Drugs with the support of Czechia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Portugal, Switzerland, Uruguay, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the United Nations Development Programme, the African Network of …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday afternoon)
Chair: Good afternoon. We made some good progress in the morning, and managed to agree on some paragraphs so I hope we can continue with this in the afternoon. We will start with L3 from Chile. Chile: Can we start with the paragraphs that have been agreed in informals, before returning to the others. Chair: …
Side event: Paving the way for the future: Uncovering and addressing blind spots in United Nations drug policy
Organised by the IDPC Consortium with the support of Canada, Colombia, Czechia, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the United Nations Development Programme Ann Fordham, Executive Director, International Drug Policy Consortium: Welcome to this side event:Paving the way for …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday morning)
L2. Commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development: effective implementation and future perspectives (Germany, Peru and Thailand) Chair: Good morning, I will start with L2 (Thailand), and will then continue with L4 (Belgium) Thailand: Yesterday we made slow progress. We managed to clean up the text a bit …
Side event: The death penalty for drug-related offences: Challenges to restrict its use and pathways towards abolition
Side event organised by Harm Reduction International with the support of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Czechia, Mongolia, Mexico, New Zealand, Paraguay, Portugal, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the European Union, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the United Nations Development Programme, …
Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem.
(…) UNODC: Thank you, Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to brief the Commission on some of the significant efforts UNODC has undertaken over the last year to confront the global drug problem, in line with the Ministerial Declaration of 2019. Given time constraints, I will highlight just a few …