Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, United Nations Human Rights Council: It is my honor to address the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs to present the study on arbitrary detention relating to drug policies prepared by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention at the request of the Human Rights Council and presented to the …
Side Event: Responding to drug-related challenges in the cyberspace: Vulnerabilities and opportunities to engage civil society
Organized by the UNODC Civil Society Unit with the support of Switzerland, and the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs Moderator: Billy Batware, UNODC Civil Society Unit Thank you to co-sponsors of this event. To set the stage – cyberspace can be seen as an …
Committee of the Whole L3 Strengthening international cooperation in combating the misuse of information and communications technologies for drug trafficking and drug-related money-laundering
RESOLUTION L3 CHAIR: Let’s move to L3 presented by Russia. I will ask them to introduce the advances that they have made during the consultations. Russia has the floor RUSSIA: Had quite good progress during our informal consultations on L3 draft resolution. We have managed to agree on almost the entire text of the draft …
L.4. Strengthening international cooperation to comprehensively address the links between illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms trafficking
Chair: We give the floor to Mexico. Mexico: We see there has been lots of work and agreement. We will provide a summary of where we began/where we are. We made this resolution aware of the problem affecting all countries, recognizing though the lack of depth we all need to address the problem. Hence we sought the …
Committee of the Whole. Resolution L.3. Strengthening international cooperation in combating the misuse of information and communications technologies for drug trafficking and drug-related money-laundering
Chair: I hand over to Russia to present the text: Russia: Russia introduces this draft resolution during consultation on 11th of March, we hope this adoption will help contribute to the addressing the world drug program. (sic). A number of delegations, including China, Singapore, and Turkey, introduced into the heading the word “illicit”, and “precursors”, …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued) – Afternoon sessions
Chair: Welcome back to our session. Namibia: Congratulate chair and elected members of the Bureau. Commend the UNODC secretariat. Namibia aligns herslef with Africa group and G77 statements. Many countries were impacted by the third wave of the COVID. It’s a relief that the omicron wave hasn’t been that deletarious. However, we were impacted by travel …