Chair: Opens session. We seek to put through a number of questions on how to enhance cooperation, and we seek to look at the obstacles that apply to this. How can we improve the capacity of different entities to face new challenges, including the use of the internet in trafficking drugs? A new question that can …
Side event – A coordinated regional response to drug production, trafficking and use in the Mekong
Moderator – Jeremy Douglas, UNODC in Southeast Asia Deputy Minister of Vietnam: I will introduce the challenges faced in tackling drugs in the Mekong region, on behalf of the six countries involved in this project. Starting in 1993, it has been two decades since the UNODC and sub-Mekong countries started suppressing drugs. The MOU in …
Side event – Amphetamine-type stimulants: Working towards humane drug policies
Welcoming Remarks: H.E. Gen.Nivat Meenayotin, Vice Minister of Justice, Thailand Visionary leader, leading role in women prisoners….results in betterment of women prisoners.formulating drug laws on proportionality of sentencing, Bangkok rules, human treatment of women prisoners and offenders. Counter ATS expertise. Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Apinun Aramrattana, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Thailand Growing and expanding …
Resolution L10. Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development (continued)
Initial draft of resolution can be found here. Chair: Now it the time for action. So, we have the text of L.10. PP.1 & PP.2 Thailand: thank you, madame ambassador. Thanks for you leadership and decisiveness. On behalf of the co-sponsor of this resolution. Given the late status of this resolution. We would like to …
Resolution L10. Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development (continued)
Thailand. We agreed on a number of paras but are still in negotiations for a number of other paras. Ecuador. We were clear on Friday, showing concern because of use of language we don’t agree with. We have essential disagreements on OP1 but no delegation approached us to discuss this. I ask you not to defer this …
Agenda Item 7: World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission
Chair: The 10th meeting is now open. Consideration of Item of 7 – Drug Trafficking. Documents to be considered: E/CN.7/2016/5 E/CN.7/2016/10 The UNODC will now present a report on global illicit drug prevalence You can read the report here. UNODC: My introduction adds to the report shared with you by the chair, with some additions. …