Plenary Item 5a Chair: Excellencies, distinguished representatives. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, I would like to start Agenda Item five, implementation of international drug control treaties. Secretariat: Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and good morning to all. The commission has before it the Agenda Item 5a: changes in the scope of control of substances. …
Side Event: Reducing Health Risks of the Use of NPS in EECA Region – Organized by the Governments of Estonia and the Republic of Moldova, and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association
Aljona Kurbatova (National Institute for Health Development, Estonia): […] Dr. Z hannat Kosmukhamedova (UNODC): The UNODC published a technical guide, the ‘HIV Prevention Treatment, care and support for people who use stimulant drUNODCugs’ to increase awareness of the needs and issues faced by affected groups and to provide recommendations in responding to them. The global …
Side event: How can we make the International drug control system better protect our youth?
Panel: Jane Slater (Anyone’s Child/Transform Drug Policy Foundation), Peter Muyshondt (Anyone’s Child), Fiona Gilbertson (Anyone’s Child/Recovering Justice), Inez Feria, Murtaza Majeed, Donna May (Anyone’s Child/mumsDU) Watch the video of the event onAnyone’s Child website. Jane Slater: These are the real people who are being impacted by our policies. I think there is a lot of …
Side Event: Cannabis and the Conventions: Aftermath of UNGASS
Organized by the Washington Office on Latin America, the Global Drug Policy Observatory, the Transnational Institute, the Transform Drug Policy Foundation and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. John Walsh Washington Office of Latin America (WOLA) – Moderator: The Outcome Document sought to give states flexibility, and now 1 in 5 Americans live in an area …
Side event: Cannabis and the conventions: Aftermath of UNGASS
Chaired by John Walsh (WOLA). Dave Bewley Taylor (GDPO): I’d like to provide some historical context and then approach the current legal situation. During the UNGASS, the issue was largely ignored; certainly in the Outcome Document. Cannabis is the world’s most widely used illicit substance. Its scheduling had very little to do with scientific evidence on health harms. …
Side event: How can the international drug control system provide a better tomorrow for the world’s youth?
Organised by the Government of the Czech Republic, Transform Drug Policy Foundation, Moms United to End the War on Drugs, Reach Out Centre and YouthRise. ‘ As the UN meets to review global drug policy and how we might achieve the 2019 goals, families from across the globe, whose lives have been impacted by drug …