This is the first civil society hearing which is taking place at the CND. Different representatives are now presenting some of the work that they are doing to promote the role of civil society in drug policy. First Panel: The INCB showed how civil society could be involved both at the CND and also at …
side event on new HIV infections among injecting drug users and prisons
UNODC representative made a speech about general issues of new UNAIDS vision in 2015 “getting to zero”. In the framework of this project it is planned that universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care will be addressed. The concept of universal access is based on the idea of provision of adequate services; availaibility of …
CND Day 3 – UNAIDS Executive Director Address to the Plenary
UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibe, addressed the CND plenary session this afternoon. Below is the official text of his speech. Pragmatism vs. Punishment: The Case for Harm Reduction I want to first extend my personal gratitude to UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa for his service to UNAIDS as part of the UNAIDS family of …
Statement of UNAIDS at the HLM
The official text as delivered by Elhadj As Sy, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS ‘Chair, Distinguished representatives, ladies and gentlemen, The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is pleased to have this opportunity to address the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. This important occasion marks the decade which has passed since the UN General Assembly’s Special …