Secretariat: There are informals on L10 going on now. Chair: Let us pick up where we left off with L5 Finland: We have done the separate informal consultations, but we have not reached a conclusion. We are grateful for Singapore who are willing to agree on OP3 and the agreed language in 58/9. …
United Kingdom
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday morning): L5. Laboratory support for the implementation of the scheduling decisions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Chair: I propose we move to L5. Finland to take the floor. Let us start on the title. Any comments? Can we move to the preambular paragraphs? Finland: I would like to point out we held informal meetings on this resolution with 15 countries. There are only a few amendments within the text and they …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday Morning) – Resolution L.4 Strengthening efforts to prevent drug use in educational settings
Pakistan: Informals are from 11:30 to 1:30. We were told that Belarus has co-signed the list of co-sponsors. We will start from OP3. we can clean this paragraph while keeping “drug user/ abuser”. US: Just a question about regarding national stakeholders, I would think we’d want international stakeholder to be available if they needed …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate
Afternoon session (Continued from the morning) Argentina: I would like to congratulate you. We endorse the work of the countries in our region to seek a consensus. We continue to give evidence to commit to ending the world drug problem. we must have a balanced approach to reduce supply and demand and complying with human rights …
Side Event: Bringing human rights to the forefront of drug policy: development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Organized by the Governments of Germany, Malta and Norway and the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe. Keith Azzopardi, Permanent Representative of Malta: right to life needs to be respected under all circumstances; Pompidou Group documents “Drug Policy and Human Rights” are available. Friedrich Däuble, Permanent Representative of Germany: German drug policy approach fully includes human …
Side Event: Adverse Social and Health Consequences of New Psychoactive Substances
H.E. Leigh Turner, UK Ambassador (Opening Remarks) Thank you everyone for coming to consider this important issue. New psychoactive substances are a global problem. There is growing international evidence of their public health harms, and an increasing interplay between NPS and traditional drug markets. The United Kingdom is working with partners to adapt the international …