Supporting recovery from substance use disorders Presented by the USA to promote recovery from drug dependence. PP1: Debates on the use of “disease of the brain” to define “substance use disorders” Ecuador – We ask the USA to elaborate more on the first paragraph, which seems to imply that substance abuse is a disease of …
United Kingdom
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.8
Promoting drug use prevention based on scientific evidence as an investment in the well-being of children, young people, families, and communities Thailand – Introduce draft resolution L8, “Promoting drug use prevention based on scientific evidence as an investment in the well-being of children, young people, families, and communities. Chair – Is the title acceptable? Venezuela …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.2
Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development and proposal to organize an international seminar/workshop on the implementation of the Guiding Principles One paragraph pending – OP2 Germany – Not successful so far in formal discussion. After “poverty eradication” add “such development measures include inter alia, rural development, strengthening local governance …
CND Plenary Day 2 – Panel discussion on scheduling (continued)
China In 2001 China scheduled for mephedrone as a schedule one. Ketamine is a category 1 substance and is strongly controlled. In 2009 5 tonnes a year have been seized. This has almost doubled. Third most intercepted drug after heroin and methamphetamine. Other countries are reporting ketamine abuse. Some countries have scheduled, but not at …
Committee of the Whole – Resolutions discussed on Monday afternoon
Two resolutions (L2 and L3) were considered. Final language agreed for only some paragraphs. Others bracketed and the Chair directed Member states to go to informals to finalize. What follows is a transcript of the debate between member states. Final language will be posted as soon as it is available. Committee of the Whole Dronabinol …
CND Plenary Day 1 – replies on access to essential medicines
China Treaty aims to allow access and limit abuse. All drugs must have a license to be exported or imported. International verification is used to prevent diversion. Switzerland According to the INCB there is sufficient supply of opioid material. Access to these substances is limited. Most of the world’s population lacks access for medical use. …