Chair: Recall that at the 58th Session, we decided to include this standing item on the agenda focusing on contribution to the work of ECOSOC in line with GA resolution 68/1. In accordance, CND has been contributing as appropriate to Council’s work. In the UNGASS Outcome Document, member states welcomed SDGs and noted that efforts to achieve these …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.8 Intensifying coordination and cooperation among United Nations entities and relevant national sectors, including the health and justice sectors, to target the world drug problem (Thursday afternoon)
Draft resolution as submitted before the session. USA: I believe we’re ready to consider this in the CoW apart from just one suggestion. We had successful informals. We’d like to get agreement on all the other paragraphs before we decide whether the top will say CND or ECOSOC. Chair: All PPs approved by COW. Comments on OP.3quat …
Plenary – Agenda Item 6: Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session (Thursday, March 16, 2017 – Afternoon)
Sudan: We align with G77 China and African group. Youth are the main group affected by drugs and we highly appreciate the recommendations of the UNGASS. While preventing diversion we have provided 10,000 prescription pads. We have also carried out training courses and workshops targeting health professionals for rehabilitation. Kenya: We reaffirm our commitment to …