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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L13

Resolution L13 Sponsors: Australia, Denmark (EU) Ecuador (LA) Egypt, Norway Philippines USA Budgetary implications 7.7mil to develop strategies to develop best practices on drug prevention for 25 countries and implementation. Adopted: Venezuela statement: we are concerned in the language in docs adopted, the terms “use of drugs” “use of illicit drugs”, and “abuse of drugs” …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L11

L11 Promotion of the use of a global stamp symbolizing alternative development, including preventive development, as a mechanism facilitating and stimulating the trade in products from areas affected by and vulnerable to the world drug problem Sponsors: Bolivia Ecuador Peru Thailand No budgetary implication: Co sponsors – Lebanon, Venezuela Nicaragua Nigeria Philip Denmark (EU) Uruguay …

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Plenary Day 4. Supply Reduction

Thailand The Thai delegation state that unsustainable alternative development can serve as a way to combat the cultivation of illicit crops and that law enforcement alone cannot solve the problem. To achieve long-term success they state it is important to create infrastructure. Venezuela The Venezuelan delegation is of the view that despite the stepped up …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L13

Preventing the use of illicit drugs presented by Peru (co sponsors Chile, Costa Rica, Egypt, El Salvador and Norway) Peru: The world drug problem is detrimental to society especially young people. Preventative programs have to be based on scientific evidence and focus on individuals, children and young people; this resolution promotes consensual standards based on …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L10

Draft resolution L10: Promoting the use and availability of measures to prevent mortality from drug overdose presented by Czech Republic (co-sponsors Denmark and Israel) After extensive consultations the text has been amended. The new text is dated 14th march. Germany asks why the new draft has explicit reference to mental health issues. Czech Republic states that …

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Committee of the Whole – Support for the development and implementation of an integrated approach to programme development at the UNODC

OP2(bis) and (ter) added: ‘further requests that all regional and thematic programmes include provisions for evaluation including evaluation budgets and evaluation reports and evaluation skills capacity development’. OP3: Change to original text: ‘corporate’ is replaced by ‘financial’ USA: Could the Secretariat provide a proper name to this new system? OP4: Change to original text: replace …

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