Organized by the Government of the Netherlands and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section. Hans Abma/ Dutch Ministry of Justice & Security: [opening remarks and gratitudes] We will be discussing drug organised crime under the general organised crime within the Dutch example. We will try to show you …
CND Sessions
Side event: Innovative national approaches to address illicit synthetic drug threats
Organized by the Governments of Canada, Colombia and the United States of America. US: Trafficking in synthetic drugs is the main challenge of our generation and the next. Compounds on issues we faced with traditional drugs. Recognize this as a complex international challenge. Many online drug transfers are transacted through virtual currencies. One synthetic drug …
Side event: Addressing stigma: Continuing the discussion
Organized by the Governments of Canada, Estonia, Norway and Uruguay, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, and the Civil Society Task Force. Rite Notarandrea, Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA): Stigma is discriminatory behaviour against a group of people. Addiction is not a moral failing, it …
Side Event: How can data better support international and national commitments to address the drug problem?
Organised by the UNODC, Research and Trend Analysis Branch, the EU EMCDDA, the African Union Commission, and the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organisation of American States. Jean-Luc Lemahieu (UNODC) Need to monitor existing and emerging issues in drug use. We need to streamline and improve methodological approaches. We need innovation in ways …
Side event: Progress in Asia in reducing HIV among people who inject drugs
Organized by the International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse, Association of Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers of Macau and Rumah Cemara. Chair: Augusto has been working with people who use drugs for many years now, and given an award to recognise his work by the government of Macau. …
Side event: Good results from low investments – mobilisation of resources for the prevention and recovery in low-resourced settings
Organised by FORUT Campaign for Development and Solidarity, IOGT Norway, Uganda Youth Development Link, the Croatian Association of Clubs of Treated Alcoholics, and the Malawi Girl Guides Association. Started late: 13:20 Croatia: Differences between Hudolin’s CTA and Alcoholics Anonymous – qualified experts used, family approach and the club’s public activities influence the community. The role …