Organized by the European Union with the support of the United States of America, and the International Narcotics Control Board Cornelis de Joncheere (INCB). ‘Last November, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the 1988 convention, INCB held a consultation with member states on article 12 of such convention, which concerns precursors. There was …
Side Events
Side event: Strategic importance of real-time drug data
Organized by the UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch with the support of the Group of Friends of UNODC Research H.E. Stephan Klement, Ambassador, European Union Delegation: The EU particularly focuses on real time information. The new drug strategy of 2021-2025 acknowledges the need to addressing existing and evolving challenges of the drug situation, given the …
Side Event: Drug use and COVID-19: public health challenges and priorities at the time of the pandemic and beyond
Side event organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Mariângela Simão (WHO Assistant Director-General, Access to Medicines and Health Products): I am pleased to welcome you all to this important side event on COVID-19, and to discuss the provision of essential services related to drugs during the pandemic. Throughout the pandemic, WHO emphasised the need …
Side event: Improving Prevention: Prioritizing Effective Approaches and Secondary Prevention
Organized by the New Zealand Drug Foundation with the support of Canada, and the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) and Youth Organisations for Drug Action Eliza Kurcevic, Moderator, EHRA: Thank you for joining us once again, and in the beginning I would like to inform you that our side event …
Side event: Family a key social institution for addressing substance use, violence, mental health and promote sustainable development: Lessons learned from parenting under stress, in humanitarian settings and in the context of COVID19 and beyond
Waadih Maalouf, UNODC Prevention Treatment Rehabilitation Section (moderator) Ambassador Muhammad Muhith: provides opening remarks. Thanks sponsorship and UNODC. The event is organized to share experience in Bangladesh. Introduces speakers. We strongly believe that family is a key institution that shapes individuals, especially during the pandemic now. Hopeful this event will encourage support to children. Globally we …
Side Event: Interdiction measures for fentanyl and other synthetic opioids

Organized by the United Kingdom with the support of Canada, Estonia, and the United States of America, and the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Section. The purpose of this side event is to discuss the experiences of member states and strategies that they have taken to tackle fentanyl and synthetic opioid markets with a view to …