Chair: Welcome back to the Reconvened 67th Session. We will continue the consideration on Item 4 on strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions. At our joint meeting with the CCPCJ yesterday, we considered under Agenda Item 4 the implementation of the consolidated for the biennium 2024-2025 for the UNODC. And the drugs proposed program plan …
By Juan Fernandez
CND Reconvened 67th Session – CND & CCPCJ joint meeting
MORNING SESSSION CCPCJ 1st VICE-Chair: Annotated Agenda. As you can see, it is proposed that the session today will address Item 4 on strategic management, budgetary, and administrative questions. As a joint meeting we are CND. Any outstanding elections for the FINGOV Bureau for 2024 will happen under that item as agreed upon by the …
Side event: Drug policy and human rights: Perspectives from Latin America
(Event in Spanish) Pablo Cymermarn, Intercambios A.C.: Llevamos organizando este evento hace muchos años. Desde que los eventos satélites han sido promovidos en la CND. Este evento está también apoyado por FIOCRUZ, INNPD, PBPD, REDUC, ACEID, IDPC, HRI, International Indigenous Drug Policy Alliance. Victoria Darraidu, CELS: Sobre el escenario argentino, es relevante mencionar la persistencia …
Side event: Moving towards drug policy that improves well-being and aligns with Indigenous knowledge and practice
Organized by New Zealand Drug Foundation with the support of Australia, Canada, OHCHR, IDPC, Harm Reduction International, Open Society Foundations, the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council, the International Indigenous Drug Policy Alliance, Te Rau Ora and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation of Canada Speakers: Gilbert Taurua, Moderator, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Tracey Potiki, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Dr …
Plenary Item 8. Recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission
Item 8. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem Chair: Recalls documentation for the item. CND Secretariat: The meetings of the 5 subsidiary bodies were held last year in person and provided a great opportunity to meet and discuss good practices and areas of common concern. Following review …
Committee of the Whole (Thursday morning session)
L.2. Commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development: effective implementation and future perspectives (Germany, Peru and Thailand) PP2 (…) Colombia: We’d like to support Brazil’s proposal. The language is sufficiently broad. It reflects experience gathered to date. We urge delegations to show flexibility. The text is broad. Chair: …