Language agreed on Secretariat: there are some small budgetary implications Chair: Can we adopt Venezuela: Title. An amendment on tuesday was not included. USA: use adopted language. Chair Session suspended for 1/2 an hour.
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Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.5 (revisted)
Russia: Wants some additional time to address this in informals. Need half an hour. Chair: Suspend the COW for half an hour.
Committee of the Whole – Debate on Resolution L14
“Protecting public health by ensuring adequate services for drug abusers regardless of limited resources” Greece, draft resolution. Protecting public health by striving to ensure provision of adequate services for individuals affected by substance abuse disorders based on the existing limited resources. Change the title…not the limited resources that is the main point, but violent changes …
Committee of the Whole – L-3 Mekong Delta Region Resolution Discussion on Death Penalty
Evening Session, CoW 3/20 Resolution L3 – Mekong Delta region. (4 bis the controversial para). PP1. Also add “in conformity with three international conventions.” PP1bis. Reaffirming also that countering the WDP is a common and shared responsibility that must be addressed in national regional and international settings that require and integrated and balanced approach in …
CND Day 4 – CADCA statement
Drug Policy Futures, Kevin Sabet: one of writers of 2012 OAS report but less happy on way it has been portrayed in media and by CS. We are part of DPF, promoting balanced approach based on health and appropriate role for LE, not dichotomy of war on drug or legalisation. Our demand for illegal drugs …
CND Day 4 – VNGOC statement
We have evidence based interventions which can greatly increase effectiveness of prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. But little evidence these are implemented. Evidence of strategies, but not of resources and implementations. We have evidence base, limited which need to be improved across 3 pillars of plan of action. Debate on effective drug …