High level segment called to adopt the resolution E/CN.7/2014/L.15 and will then be submitted to ECOSOC meeting. The resolution was adopted without objection. Available here: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/commissions/CND/session/57draft-resolutions.html Greek delegation. We command the chairman for his work. Take the floor for EU, Turkey, Montenegro, Bosnia, Lies, Moldova, Switzerland, Chile, Monaco, Mexico, Uruguay, Panama, Argentina, Colombia, Namibia, etc. Regret that …
From High Level Segment
Roundtable on countering money laundering report
Thank all those who participated. Speakers expressed concerns about scale of illicit financial flows from drug trafficking. Proceeds to banking system and informal and formal transfer systems. Highlighted disruption of financial flows is a major component in disrupting transnational organized crime. FATF recommendations useful in combating illicit financial flows. Anti-money laundering legal framework. Financial intelligence …
Supply Reduction Roundtable Report
Participants expressed concerns about increased poppy production in Afghanistan. Concern about lack of knowledge about drug users. Concern about trafficking and need for better information sharing. Spoke about effective control of precursors, esp in relation to synthetics and NPS. Referred to cocern about increase in methamphetamine and increase in NPS use. Tighter controls to intercept …
High Level Segment – VNGOC Statement
Statement to the High Level Review of the 2009 Plan of Action Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates and fellow representatives of the Non Government Orgnizations. I am speaking in my capacity as Chair of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs. We represent over 150 organizations that have millions of members around the world. Citizens who at …
Report on Round table A on demand reduction
There was consensus on demand reduction strategies based on scientific data and health. Drug treaties point out that health is essential and drug control through repression of production and trafficking was not enough. 1. prevention with focus on key people 2. treatment of people 3. treatment of associated disorders 4. scientific data on low HIV …
High Level Segment – Statement by AALCA
The 2009 declaration is of great importance for our region and among our 10 member states. Our organisation was expanded over the 3 decades. We have learned that the imperative of overcoming the non-economic problems we are facing – this includes drugs. The region is crossed by a major trafficking route for opium and heroin. …