More humanitarian aspects of drug policy. Encouraging to see the shift. Put an end to the horrors of the drug war. Advocate for pragmatic and evidence-based policies. Reduce negative consequences of drug use. Harm reduction activities being implemented by Red Cross. However, this is not enough. Need drug policy reforms. Countries will be better served …
From Plenary Sessions
CND Plenary Day 3 – Canada
CND should be the preparatory body for the 2016 UNGASS, as they did so 1998. This was a successful model that we should emanate. UNODC should serve as the secretariat as it did in 1998. CND should develop a work plan that includes the development of an agenda and the elements for a final declaration. …
CND Plenary Day 3 – Norway
Drug situation in Norway is positive and under control. Main concern is to maintain this situation. What really concerns Norway is that the price of illegal drugs has significantly fallen over the last 15 years, for some drugs over 70%. This means availability is high, and therefore harm reduction measures are crucial. Demand for drug …
CND Plenary Day 3 – USA
Our national drug control strategy recognized addiction as a disease that can be prevented, treated, and recovered from. Long term measures to reduce the supply of drugs. U.S. sponsoring a resolution specifically on recovery. We now know how to help those that need it, but need to put this knowledge to good use. Working to …
CND Plenary Day 3 – India
Successes in some areas, and challenges in others. Without cooperation the goals of the Political Declaration are difficult to achieve. Technology has melted international boundaries and has had an adverse impact on the world drug problem. The JMS reaffirmed our commitment to the targets and goals from 2009. One aspect that hasn’t gotten the attention …
CND Plenary Day 3 – Japan
Methamphetamine is the major challenge. Work to prevent people from abusing drugs through a broad public awareness campaign. Work to reduce drug demand and abuse. Prevent people from abusing drugs by enhancing awareness among young people, families, and communities, and by improving law abidingness and morality. Structurally prevent relapse into drug abuse through treatment and …