Four achievements with regard to demand reduction. First, embarked on the path to implement the 2009 Political Declaration back in 2009. The laws adopted address demand reduction in a balanced and integrated method. Treatment as an alternative to incarceration, as this respects the rights of humans to access health services and avoids prison overcrowding. Second, …
From Plenary Sessions
CND Plenary Day 3 – Korea
Korea established an international drug control strategy in 1999 in the belief that the most effective way to address the drug issue is with policies that encompass supply control and demand reduction. Korea has been organizing a drug conference.
CND Plenary Day 3 – Kazakhstan
Adopted a program for fighting drug addiction and drug trafficking. Alternatives to criminalization. Reducing the demand, supply and consumption of narcotics. Reduction in the number of people registered as drug addicts. The number of people with disorders of opiates and stimulants continues to drop each year. However, increase with cannabis and psychoactive substances. Drug use …
CND Plenary Day 3 – China
Use methadone treatment and safe syringe programs. China is conducting a epidemiological survey on drug abuse in the country for synthetic substances. NNCC actively explored new media, platforms, and tools for anti-drug education. Have been well received. Stringent measures against drug-related crime. Solved 150,983 drug-related criminal cases. Apprehended drug-crime suspects. Seized large amounts of illicit …
CND Plenary Day 3 – Thailand
The world drug situation is stable in demand and supply. Need more effective responses. Thailand’s drug problem is rather stable. Synthetic drugs remain a concern. “Safe Communities for Families Reunion” acknowledged that the state alone cannot fight against drugs. Appealing to the public for involvement. Drugs and other related crimes are associated with poverty; we …
CND Plenary Day 3 – Portugal
Fully subscribes to EU statement. Portugal is firmly committed to shared responsibility, and to the goals and targets in the Political Declaration. Portuguese policy of drugs follows a multi-disciplinary and balanced approach within a framework of decriminalization of drug possession. Decriminalization is only one element of our comprehensive approach. For the first time, the number …