WHO recommends GHB rescheduled from schedule 4 to 2 in the 1971 convention. Under UN conventions, GHB was placed in schedule 4, the expert committee found evidence of dependence and withdrawal. Used as a medicine in only a small number some countries for a number of rare medical conditions. It is used in the production …
From Plenary Sessions
Supply reduction round table
Chief of sustainable livelihood- UNODC The concept of ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT was recognised in the 1988 convention of the UN article 3. This was reaffirmed 10 yrs later in 1998 during the UN special assembly . And the 2009 political declaration plan of action went further building on the 1988 and 1998 agenda. In 2009 member …
Demand reduction round table
Czech Republic: I appreciate your concerns. We have always created drug policy out of dogmatic belief. I have been working on drug prevention for 20 years and my views have changed on the issue. There is no more drug sub-culture, there are clubs and nightclubs. We are in a very different situation.In the Czech situation, …
Round table on demand reduction: statement by Ukraine
We need to put human being at the center of how drug is control. Those who depend on drugs should not be a subject of brutality or punishment but treatment.They should not be stigmatized. Young people are becoming alienated from the conventional activities, they don’t do sports but always clubbing, socializing on the internet and …
Opening Plenary: Statement from Guatemala
The country has become a transit country, neither a major producing nor consuming country. It’s been more than 50 years of the single convention, I think each member state have to think through what we have being doing. The president of Guatemala has worked relentlessly to promote security. We cannot allow the most successful people …
opening Plenary: Statement by LAO PDR
It is noted that the international community including Lao PDR are actively seeking ways to resolve the world drug problem. The annual survey on opium cultivation in Lao shows increased from the previous years. This is resulting from lack of resources for alternative development, demand for opium consumption and increase in the price in the …