Moroccan Ambassador: The African group offers full support to the board. Says the work of session will be rewarded with fruitful results. Identifies itself with the previous statement by the G77. Will support the joint ministerial statement. Reinforces commitment to implementation to the three existing conventions. The group looks forward to the round table discussion …
African Group
IDPC, AU Commission, Africa Group Side event: Drug policy in the African Union

As we begin to see a number of drug policy developments in the African region, the side event at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs was an opportunity to present and discuss two recent initiatives: the African Union Plan of Action on Drug Control for 2013-2017 and the West Africa Commission on Drugs. Mr. Olawale Maiyegun …
Opening Session Plenary: Egypt representing Group of African states
We continue to be committed to the three drug conventions. The three round-tables at the high level review next year will provide an effective measure to strengthen our work in this area. The world drug problem remains a major problem in many parts of the world, particularly in Africa. We are concerned about some parts …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L12
Resolution L12: Follow-up on measures to support African States in their efforts to combat the world drug problem Sponsors: Peru on behalf group of G77 and china and South Africa on the behalf of African states No additional appropriation of the budget needed. The Venezuelan delegation gives an explanation of its position on this resolution …
Plenay Day 1: Statement of the Permanent representative of the African Group
Significant progress has been made to address the world drug problem but it continues to undermine socio-economic development and affects public health. In some cases, the world drug problem poses a security threat. The African group reaffirmed their commitment on the implementation of the three drug conventions and the political declaration. They are committing ourselves …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L10: African group continued
Kenya: All parties agree to amended paragraph, “assist African countries to address health problems and raise awareness of the dangers of all drugs, including cannabis…” we also agreed to a new paragraph as a PP. “cannabis is by far the most widely abused drug as reported by the INCB…” RESOLUTION ADOPTED