Colombia: The idea was to facilitate exchange of experience. We are prepared to accept the proposal from the USA. We think that the exchange of experience and good practices is something that must continue among member states. Germany: We suggest replacing ‘tackling’ by ‘addressing’. Russian Federation: Why are we not referring to the INCB in …
Committee of the whole – Resolution L12: Colombia
Colombia and Peru: Problems with translations from Spanish to English mentioned The principle of “common and shared responsibility” should replace “joint and shared responsibility. We want tot delete “legality” as well as “being a threat too” OP2 We want to replace “resolves” with call upon OP5 we want to add “continue to explore” instead of …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L10: Algeria’s objections to the proceedings
Because of the Chair’s decision to move on with other resolutions without finding a solution for resolution L10, Algeria declared that they would object to every other resolution!
Committee of the whole – Resolution L6: civil society resolution continued
Uruguay We have been working all day yesterday and we have attempting to the best of our ability to progress. A consensus document was prepared to come up with a text so we can streamline a debate. From our side, we were very willing to be flexible. We have a revised version, but their have …
Committee of the whole – Resolution L10 continued
After an angry vivid 25 minute discussion, the meeting reconvenes. Kenya: The consensus that is emerging is to take the proposal of south africa. It is in the last line, is to use “all drugs” including “cannabis” in particular Morocco: We are not happy with the cannabis inclusion. there is a lot of political issues …
Committee of the Whole: Resolution L. 10
Measures to support African States in their efforts to combat the world drug problem Kenya: Wants to delete paragraph 8, which is a delete of paragraph 5. We agreed to drop the setting up of a fund to support African States, but we hope that this will be discussed in the future. Lebanon: On behalf …