L11 Chair: We may not move in chronological order. I want to mention I intend to continue our session in the evening because we have very little time left. I invite us to focus on L11. China: Regarding the night session we have some concerns because we have many experts who wish to speak in …
Special Event: Taking Action to Increase Access to Controlled Drugs for Medical Purposes While Preventing Diversion and Misuse
Dr Lisa Studdert, Australia’s Head of Delegation Australia is deeply concern on the global disparity on global access to essential medicines. We need to work together. Adequate provision must be made to ensure access. It’s very important that the conventions do no restrict access. We need to reduce the risks of diversion for illicit use. …
Committee of the Whole (Thursday – Morning) – Resolution L.7 – Promoting measures to prevent transmission of HI and other blood-borne diseases associated with the use of drugs from mothers to babies during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding
Chair: L7 followed by L11 – L9, L4, L10, L6. Can we be conscious of the clock please and maintain spirit of flexibility. Norway: A brief presentation of this resolution. Without any intervention a large number of pregnant women will transfer the virus to their babies. Providing antiviral drugs has a dramatic reduction in transmission …
Plenary: Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Wednesday 14th Afternoon Session)
5C China: China has hosted a law enforcement meeting in 2017. We will support the work of the INCB and we hope it will be more focused on its responsibilities. Norway: We look forward to receiving the report. We have associated ourselves with the EU statement on the report. It highlights the topic of treatment …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday afternoon). L4. Strengthening efforts to prevent drug use in educational settings.
Pakistan: PP1 is almost final so if we can clear it. Chair: Can we endorse PP1? Endorsed. PP4bis: Pakistan: We discussed this at length, we understand we will keep this paragraph. Canada: We cannot agree to remove alt-new-ppbis at this time. We do not have flexibility at this time. Uruguay: We …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday Morning) – Resolution L.4 Strengthening efforts to prevent drug use in educational settings
Pakistan: Informals are from 11:30 to 1:30. We were told that Belarus has co-signed the list of co-sponsors. We will start from OP3. we can clean this paragraph while keeping “drug user/ abuser”. US: Just a question about regarding national stakeholders, I would think we’d want international stakeholder to be available if they needed …