5C China: China has hosted a law enforcement meeting in 2017. We will support the work of the INCB and we hope it will be more focused on its responsibilities. Norway: We look forward to receiving the report. We have associated ourselves with the EU statement on the report. It highlights the topic of treatment …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday Afternoon). L9. Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development and related commitments on alternative development and regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented, balanced drug control policy addressing socioeconomic issues
Thailand: Thailand, Peru and Germany have the honour of presenting this resolution. We have gone through all the paragraphs in informals, there are some amendments and hopefully we can get through this today. Chair: The title? Pakistan: At an early stage we suggested the title is complicated, so we should use …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday morning): L5. Laboratory support for the implementation of the scheduling decisions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Chair: I propose we move to L5. Finland to take the floor. Let us start on the title. Any comments? Can we move to the preambular paragraphs? Finland: I would like to point out we held informal meetings on this resolution with 15 countries. There are only a few amendments within the text and they …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday Morning) – Resolution L.4 Strengthening efforts to prevent drug use in educational settings
Pakistan: Informals are from 11:30 to 1:30. We were told that Belarus has co-signed the list of co-sponsors. We will start from OP3. we can clean this paragraph while keeping “drug user/ abuser”. US: Just a question about regarding national stakeholders, I would think we’d want international stakeholder to be available if they needed …
CND 60th Session Reconvened – Thursday, 7 December 2017
Note: As the reconvened meeting is mainly concerned with administrative issues, this blog entry summarises the discussions rather than providing the usual detailed account of every intervention and statement. On Thursday 7th December, the meeting opened with a joint session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal …
CND Intersessional 17th November: The Way Forward – Preparations for the sixty-second session of the CND in 2019

Bente Angell-Hansen (Norway), CND Chair: This is the day I’ve been looking the most forward to. The question is how do we carry what we have done forward. It’s also a specially good day because the Mexican Ambassador is in the room. On behalf of all of us, we congratulate you on the nomination by GRULAC …