USA: We welcome broad co-sponsorship for this resolution. Title approved PP1 approved PP2 approved PP3 Ecuador: We had expressed that it is not an international conference, but an expert meeting. I don’t know about the criteria, so replace it with ‘takes note of the outomes’ and go along with the rest. USA: Fine. The outcomes …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.12: Promoting measures to prevent HIV and other blood-borne infections among people who use drugs, and increasing financing for the global HIV/AIDS response and for drug use prevention and drug demand reduction efforts
Text of resolution as it was written before CND commenced. Norway: We have three reasons for this. A lot of good things have happened with HIV epidemic but it is not over. We need to work in prisons and with drug users. Finances for HIV have been produced. UNODC have a unique position with expertise on …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.8: Intensifying coordination and cooperation among United Nations entities and relevant national sectors, including the health and justice sectors, to target the world drug problem
View the draft resolution here (This is an out of date version but may still be helpful for reference.) USA: This resolution represents direct follow on from 30th CND. We are trying to increase cooperation between relevant UN sections. We have received good feedback, thank you everyone. We have incorporated feedback. Chair: Comments on title? No. Comments …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.5: Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development
E/CN.7/2017/L.5 Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development Peru: Text is a result of informal consultations. Certain aspects are semi-open. Resolution has been enriched with language of the UNGASS. Chair: Let’s look at the title. Germany: Would like to see UNGASS outcome document reflected in the title. Add “and the UNGASS …
CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Tuesday, March 14, 2017 – Morning)
Secretary General OSCE: Mme Chairperson, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to address this 60th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). I thank UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov, an excellent partner of our organization, for the invitation and I thank his able team for organizing this important meeting. The world drug …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.3: Improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: recommendations of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
E/CN.7/2017/L.3 Improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: recommendations of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Chair: Can Spain explain the scope of the resolution? Spain: We came together to discuss …