Item 2. Adoption of the agenda and other organisational matters Chair: I hereby declare the 60th Session of the CND open. Agenda item 8 will start with subitem B on Thursday morning. Propose that the CND adopt the agenda as it is written. I see no objections. It is so decided. Youth Initiative: Thank you …
Side event: Addressing global disparities in access to controlled substances for medical purposes, with focus on treatment and pain relief
Organised by the Governments of Australia, Belgium, Ghana, Norway and Panama, the International Narcotics Control Board, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the International Union Against Cancer. The Hon. Ken Wyatt AM, Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Government of Australia (Chair) 5.5 billion people do not …
UNGASS Roundtable 2: Supply reduction and related measures
Chair: Opens session. We seek to put through a number of questions on how to enhance cooperation, and we seek to look at the obstacles that apply to this. How can we improve the capacity of different entities to face new challenges, including the use of the internet in trafficking drugs? A new question that can …
General Assembly: Thirtieth Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem (3rd plenary meeting)
The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. Chair: The third plenary meeting of the 30th special session calls to order; the GA continues its meeting Singapore: Mister President, Singapore is happy to be participating to UNGASS 2016. To discuss the global drug problem, we need to ask a …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Ghana
Drug abuse and illicit trafficking remain a major threat to the development of every country. Education programs in schools have intensified in Ghana to tackle drug use. Traffickers are forming transnational networks and this is an expanding frontier that needs to be tackled. It needs state of the art equipment to tackle this problem. Parts …
High Level Segment – Statement by Ghana
Ghana. Threat from NPS to Ghana and all vulnerable countries. First. Demand reduction strategy, comprehensive approach, engagement with national stakeholders to improve skills and enhance capacity. Mainstream community participation. Pool of resources for strategic advice. Enhance prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Strengthen regime for treatment and rehab of drug dependent. Progress being made. Drug abuse sensitization …