Chair of the CoW We had before us 16 draft proposals which have been approved by the Committee of the Whole. A full list of the resolutions is available at: There has been a request to consider the draft resolution on Afghanistan first. Resolution E/CN7/2013/L10/REF1 – Strengthening international cooperation in combating illicit opiates originating …
Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries in the United Nations (GRULAC)
Statement of GRULAC on item 8
We underline international cooperation on the implementation of the plan of action. We underline how important it is to implement effective measures. We welcome the holding of the extraordinary session on the drugs problem, and to examine progress on the implementation of the plan of action and political declaration. Bearing in mind that the high …
Opening Session – Plenary : GRULAC (Latin American and Caribbean states)
We are concerned about the rise in the use of New Psychoactive substances. We need all government to increase the donor base and improve funding to continue the operational activities The drug control treaties are being implemented by the countries of GRULAC. We are committed to the full and effective implementation of the international framework …
Plenary Day 5: Adoption of the report of the 55nd session of the CND
The plenary is in the final session and just before the adoption of the report, the Minister for Health from Argentina was able to make a statement. Argentina – Minister of Health said that perhaps the time has come to launch an open debate on some of the concepts that embodied in the treaties. He …
Plenary Day 1: Grulac spokesperson
Hails President Evo Morales who has honoured us with his presence. Grulac supports the continuation of the roundtable series and its evaluation process. Also puts emphasis on the importance of common shared responsibility in combating the global drug problem. We understand bolstering common action by states and the implementation of concerted and coherent common actions. …
CND day 1. Latin American and Caribbean representative calls for greater cooperation
The group is pleased to hear the commission has adopted its amendments concerning the decision making process being made easier. Because of the challenge in the administration of the international drug control system, it is necessary to establish a greater level shared responsibility. This should be guiding principal. The international nature of the issue means …