Thank you, Madam Chairman This statement is made on behalf of: • The International Harm Reduction Association • The International Network of People Who Use Drugs • Penal Reform International • Human Rights Watch • International Drug Policy Consortium • The German Coalition Against the Death Penalty • The Open Society Foundations Drug Policy Programme …
Harm Reduction International (HRI)
Welcome to CNDblog 2010
Welcome to CNDblog 2010. CNDblog is a project of the International Harm Reduction Association, and is administered in partnership with the International Drug Policy Consortium. Its objective is to ensure transparency in the deliberations of the 53rd session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). CND is the UN body tasked with overseeing global …
Thanks to everyone for making CNDblog a great success
As the 52nd session of CND closes, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to CNDblog over the past 2 weeks for your help in making the debates and discussions at CND more accessible than ever before. From the outset, the objective of CNDblog has been to make sure that the …
Statement of the International Harm Reduction Association at the demand reduction plenary
The following statement was delivered by Rick Lines on behalf of the International Harm Reduction Association. ‘Thank you Mr Chair. I’m sure I speak on behalf of my two colleagues on my left when I thank you for enabling civil society to participate in today’s session, and ensuring time on the agenda for us to …
Undoing a decade of neglect: International drug policy and access to essential medical and harm reduction services
IHRA, Human Rights Watch, International AIDS Society and YouthRISE held a joint satellite event on the morning of Thursday 12th March. The speakers highlighted the failings of the past decade of drug control in ensuring access to health and essential medicines for vulnerable populations and expressed their deep dissatisfaction with the new Political Declaration that …
Meanwhile over in Geneva, IHRA and Human Rights Watch make a statement on drug policy at the Human Rights Council
While most of the drug policy and harm reduction activity is centred around the UN headquarters in Vienna this week, there is also a session of the UN Human Rights Council taking place in Geneva. This morning, IHRA and Human Rights Watch made a joint statement on human rights and drug policy. This statement was …