Drug problem is a cross-border problem. With the available means of technology and communications, organised crime has become “contactless.” Perpetrators and operators need not come into contact with one another. In this context cooperation and coordination of stakeholders is crucial. Stakeholders should strike a balance between individual perspectives and the global perspective. There is a …
India statement on drug demand reduction
India is a signatory to the three drug conventions. It accepts drug demand reduction as an indespensible pillar of a comprehensive drug strategy. In India, services for drug addiction are provided mainly provided by NGOs and supported by the government. Services have been increased in recent years and amongst the services provided are counselling, treatment, …
India addresses HLM
Referring to the full speech that was submitted in writing, India chose simply to stress the following themes: – Alternative development was one of the first goals of ungass 1998. India believes this is the appropriate way and that we should continue this path. Weaning farmers away from illicit drugs is difficult but the golden …