Chair: Welcome to the session. We’ll start the MS with a short video – Video: shots of previous high level meetings, CND sessions Chair: Give the floor to the UNODC Youth Forum: Youth #1: Influential representatives, we’d like to express our gratitude for representing youth from around the world. We are an easy target of …
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)
CND Intersessional Meeting, 7 November 2018: Implementation of the international drug control treaties, international cooperation, synthetic opioids and inter-agency cooperation
Chair: In memory of Ambassador Christine Stix-Hackl – 1 minute of silence. Thank you. Let’s turn to our agenda points. Proposed dates for the roundtables have been circulated and tomorrow at 9 am we start with informal consultations for fine-tuning. Regarding the draft outline, it was sent out last night so now you can review …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 23 October 2018: cross-cutting issues in addressing and countering the world drug problem
CHAIR – Good morning everyone. Today we focus on cross-cutting issues in addressing and countering the world drug problem, evolving realities, trends and existing circumstances, emerging and persistent challenges and threats including new psychoactive substances (NPS), in conformity with the 3 international Drug Control Conventions and other relevant international instruments. We will continue with the …
CND intersessional meeting, 26 september 2018: Access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes
Chair: Good Morning. Let’s start right away with the presentations and take advantage of the opportunity to conduct interactive sessions. PANEL: Dr. Gilberto Gerra, Chief of Drug Prevention and Health Branch, UNODC: Access to controlled drugs for medical purposes while preventing misuse and diversion. For long time this aspect was not paid attention so now …
Side event – Understanding drug markets: An economic perspective
Side event organized by the Government of Switzerland Switzerland: Welcome. It is key that we exchange between stakeholders. The aim of these meeting is to offer a platform to be able to work together in the coming few months, leading up to the High Level Ministerial Segment. Some of the panelists today might not align …
Informal NGO Dialogue with the INCB President Dr. Viroj Sumyai
Lucia Goberna, Vice Chair of VNGOC. I apologise that the VNGOC Chair is not here with you today. I am happy for the INCB Director and Secretary as other INCB colleagues are here with us today. For us, it is helpful to meet in this NGO dialogue. Thank you for taking the time to be with …