Peru fully supports the shared responsibility of the world drug problem. We see demand and supply as equally important and we shouldn’t only focus on one part of the problem. However, we have achieved some notable successes in drug eradication and I would like to express thanks to the UNODC and the commitment of other …
CND day 1 – Statement from the Peru Department of Development
Peru is deeply committed to the principle of joint and shared responsibility. We are, however, embarking in a new phase with regards to the drugs problem. In the face of globalisation, no state can handle the problem alone. This phase compels states to take important decisions, that go beyond their borders. Peru has initiated a …
CND Day 5 – Peru on illicit drug traffic and supply and related measures
Peru has worked with partners to exchange information on best practices and lessons learned on alternative development projects. Peru has succeeded to convince small-scale farmers against growing coca. Five main objectives that guide policy are: economic objectives; environmental goals; social goals; political goals and popular rejection of illicit trafficking.
CND day 3 – Peru’s statement on the follow up of the 52nd CND
On the basis of an integral approach, international law and sovereignty of states. We are working to combine strategies to reduce demand and supply and reduce drug trafficking through a sustainable approach. Special survey in the Amazon: San Martin programme. We are looking for the cooperation of added food value. We will make this work …
CND day 2 – Plenary presentation on drug prevention by the Drug Prevention and Rehabilitation of the National Anti-Drug Commission, Peru
He talked about the dangers of drug use, especially multi-drug use among youths. About 32% of cocaine addicts are under 25 years old. Risk factors related to drug use and addiction: – Dysfunctional homes and the lack of integration in society can be up to 30 times higher than homes that have better family ties. …
Plenary Statement of the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA) of Peru
Peru noted its strategic cooperation with other countries in the region and suggested Peru could serve as a model for similar efforts elsewhere. The speaker said Peru has implemented licit cultivation on 280,000 hectares of land. This experience could be replicated in other countries. Peru has shared its experience with other countries in Asia including …